Tulsian’s Introduction To Cost Accounting

Tulsian’s Introduction To Cost Accounting

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All MBA books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9788121936149
Author: Dr. P.C. Tulsian
Number of Pages 733
Available in all digital devices
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Tulsian’s Introduction To Cost Accounting by Dr. P.C. Tulsian
Book Summary:

The book adopts a fresh and novel approach to study of Cost-Accounting keeping in view the specific requirements of candidates studying the subject 'Cost Accounting' for the first time.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Management And Commerce.
Table of Contents:


2. Accounting For Material Cost

3. Accounting For Labour Cost

4. Accounting For Overheads

5. Unit Costing

6. Job, Batch And Contract Costing

7. Process Costing

8. Operating Costing

9. Reconcilation

10. Marginal Costing

11. Marginal Costing - Decision Making

12. Budgeting And Budgetory Control

• Appendix