The Science Hub For Class V

The Science Hub For Class V

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Product Specifications

Publisher New Saraswati House All Class 5 Science books by New Saraswati House
ISBN 9789351997085
Author: Preetika Sawhney, Archana Sashi Kumar, Neha Jindal, Gautam Bindal, Shalini Samadhiya and Tripti Mehta
Number of Pages 145
Edition First Edition
Available in all digital devices
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The Science Hub For Class V by Preetika Sawhney, Archana Sashi Kumar, Neha Jindal, Gautam Bindal, Shalini Samadhiya and Tripti Mehta
Book Summary:

A well-planned innovative series, The Science Hub comprises textbooks for classes 1 to 8 and conforms tv the curriculum prescribed by the National Curriculum Praniewurk (NCP). The series is firmly grounded in thenatural world we live intoday. The hands-on nature of presenting concepts helps to make the learning and teaching process interesting and collaborative. The series is aimed at ergaging students actively in experiential learning and developing in them a scientifis bent of mind. Relevance of the topics allows students to transfer the knowledge and skills gained to other subjects aswell as into their everyday lives outside the classroom too.

The series ‘s novel also because of the collective expertise of the contributing authors. Among the contributors are accomplished teachers of reputed institutions who have first-hand experience of the demands of the modern teaching practices. These veterans have transferred their experience and knowledge to the series to make each volume a unique entity.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Class V Students.
Table of Content:

1. Growing Plants

2. Food And Health

3. Animal: Habitat and Adaptation

4. Bones And Muscles

5. Our Nervous System

6. Safety and First Aid

7. Solids, Liquids And Gases

8. Rock and Minerals

9. Measurements

10. Soil

11. Force And Energy

12. Air And Water

13. Earth, Sun and Moon

14. Light And Shadows

15. Natural Disasters