SAP MM Inventory Management: Technical Reference And Learning Guide by P. K. Agrawal
Book Summary:
SAP is a powerful software that meets the requirement of business all over the world. This well-organised book comprising 34 chapters is useful for both beginners and professionals. Being a learning guide and a user manual, the book will be immensely valuable for all those who are training to be SAP consultant. If you are a material/production manager, a QM professional or a business executive, you will find that the book brings a lot of convenience in your work and minimises inventory losses.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Management students.
Table of Contents :
1. Enterprise Structure
2. Material
3. Goods and Accounts Movement
4. Stock
5. Goods Receipt
6. Goods Issue
7. Goods Return
8. Stock Transfer
9. Transfer Posting
10. Customer Returns
11. Subcontracting
12. Consignment Stock of Vendor
13. Consignment Stock with Customer
14. Project Stock
15. Sales Order Stock
16. Pipeline Material
17. Returnable Transport Packaging of Vendor
18. Returnable Transport Packaging with Customer
19. Goods Movement Reversal
20. Screen Layout
21. Movement Type and Other Configurations
22. Material Document
23. Accounting Documents
24. Output Determination
25. Material Valuation
26. Account Determination
27. Stock Determination
28. Reservation
29. Physical Inventory
30. Financial Accounting
31. Controlling
32. Periodic Processing
33. Archiving
34. Utilities