Process Planning And Cost Estimation

Process Planning And Cost Estimation

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Product Specifications

Publisher PHI Learning All Maintenance & Production books by PHI Learning
ISBN 9788120351721
Number of Pages 328
Available in all digital devices
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About The Book Process Planning And Cost Estimation

Book Summary:


This comprehensive text is primarily designed for BE/BTech students of mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, and production engineering. This text consists of 11 chapters covering concepts and techniques of process planning and cost estimation. The text is supported by well-labelled diagrams and case studies. The book contains solved problems that facilitates students to understand the concepts quickly. At the end of each chapter, theoretical questions and applicable numerical problems are given to test the understanding of the readers.

Key features

Includes classification and coding systems with fitting examples
Contains a complete account of work study
Provides detailed coverage of process planning
Gives formulas of mensuration for material cost estimation
Introduces different manufacturing processes in relevant chapters


Table of Contents:


1. Production System

2. Work Study

3. Process Planning

4. Elements of Costs

5. Cost Estimation

6. Mensuration for Material Cost Estimation

7. Material Weight and Cost Estimation

8. Estimation of Machining Time

9. Estimation of Forging Cost

10. Time and Cost Estimation of Shaping, Planning, Milling and Grinding

11. Estimation of Welding

