Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues)

Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues)

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All IAS books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9788121919432
Author: H. C. Mahajan
Number of Pages 241
Edition Revised Edition
Available in all digital devices
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Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues) - Page 1 Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues) - Page 2 Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues) - Page 3 Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues) - Page 4 Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues) - Page 5

Modern Essays (On All Debatable Issues) by H. C. Mahajan
Book Summary:

In the historical perspective of English Prose, the term “essay” is associated with people like Bacon, Hazlitt and Lamb, whose very names evoke awesome adoration prompting our heads to bow and knees to kneel to their genius. Their works are often intellectual excursions frequently penetrating the realms of philosophy. Any journey through these embodiments of creative art and linguistic craft, elevate the soul to such celestiat heights that their epiloques invariably become experiences of crash-landing on earth.

The other type of writings found in books, monographs, documents albums, magazines, reviews, comment aries, travellogues etc. are descriptions or narrations of events episodes and environmental settings. These writings, in fact, have often become authentic primary sources of information about the history, geography, politics, economics, sociology and culture of their times.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Competitive Exam.
Table of Content:

1. Reflection

2. Experience : Sweet And Sour

3. Life Style, Leisure And Entertainment

4. Society And Progress