About The Book Industrial Organization And Management
Book Summary:
This comprehensive text provides a glimpse of various theories and principles of management along with their applications in engineering industries. The authors have explained classical management, economic analysis, techno-economic life and various quantitative techniques associated with plant and facilities layout, behavioural studies, and human relations. Ergonomics and human factors in engineering has assumed a new dimension to design and manufacturing of products. The application of these principles, in relation to human effort and plant efficiency, has been discussed at length. It also discusses the biodynamic analyses of manmachine system in a stress-free environment.
This practice-oriented book, which contains a large number of worked-out examples, exercises and other pedagogic features, is intended for the undergraduate students of Industrial and Production Engineering. It can also be used as a reference by practising engineers.
Table of Contents:
1. Management
2. Organisation Structures
3. Formation of Company and its Legal Aspects
4. Financial Planning: Finance and Economic Analysis
5. Depreciation and Replacement
6. Product Engineering
7. Physical Facilities
8. Production Planning and Control
9. Inventory Control
10. Work Study
11. Job Evaluation, Merit Rating and Wage Incentives
12. Personnel Management
13. Assurance Engineering and Sciences: Reliability, Quality Control and Maintainability
14. Sales Forecasting
15. Financial Control
16. Plant Engineering and Maintenance
17. Behavioural Aspects of Management
18. Productivity
19. Automation
20. Engineering Economy
21. Ergonomics and Human Factors in Engineering
22. Operations Research