Industrial Engineering And Management

Industrial Engineering And Management

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Product Specifications

Publisher PHI Learning All Industrial Engineering books by PHI Learning
ISBN 9788120351103
Author: RAVI, V.
Number of Pages 424
Available in all digital devices
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About The Book Industrial Engineering And Management

Book Summary:

The book is primarily intended as a text for all branches of B.Tech, M.Tech and MBA courses.

Beginning with an introduction to industrial engineering, it discusses contributions and thoughts of classical (Taylor, Fayol, and Webers), neo-classical (Hawthorne) and modern thinkers. The book explains different functions of management, and differentiate between management and administration.

Various types of business organisations with their structures and personnel management also find place in the book. Topics related to facilities location, material handling, work study, job evaluation and merit rating, wages and incentives that are of prime importance in any business are discussed. The book is aimed at providing a better understanding of industrial operations with practical approach.

Financial aspects related to business operations such as financial management, management accounting, breakeven analysis, depreciation and replacement policies for equipment assume prime importance. Numerical examples have been solved at appropriate places to create interest in readers. Marketing aspects of business as marketing management, new product development and sales forecasting methods are discussed, besides management and control of operations.

For maintaining industrial peace, good relationship between employers and employees is essential. Chapters on industrial relations, industrial safety and industrial legislations are introduced with the objective of providing readers with information on these important aspects.

Good decision-making is what differentiates a good manager from a bad one. Thus, a chapter on decision-making is added to examine its skill. Network constructions, CPM, PERT have been covered under project management. Quantitative techniques for decision-making as linear programming, transportation problems, assignment problems, game theory, queuing theory, etc., are also discussed in this textbook.


Lucid presentation of the concepts.
Illustrative figures and tables make the reading more fruitful and enriching.
Numerical problems with solutions form an integral part of the book, making it application-oriented.
Chapter-end review questions test the students knowledge of the fundamental concepts.

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management
1. Introduction to Industrial Engineering
2. Development of Management Thought
3. Functions of Management
4. Organisation Structure
5. Types of Business Organisations
6. Personnel Management
Part 2: Financial Aspects Related to Business
7. Financial Management
8. Management Accounting
9. Breakeven Analysis
10. Depreciation
11. Equipment Replacement Policy
Part 3: Designing Operations
12. Facilities Location and Plant Layout
13. Material Handling
14. Work Study
15. Job Evaluation and Merit Rating
Part 4: Factors Affecting Industrial Relations
16. Wages and Incentives
17. Industrial Relations
18. Industrial Safety
19. Industrial Legislations
Part 5: Production Planning and Control of Operations
20. Production Planning and Control
21. Marketing Management and Product Development
22. Sales Forecasting
23. Materials Management, Purchasing and Storekeeping
24. Inventory Control
25. Quality Management
26. Reliability and Maintenance Management
27. Productivity and Value Analysis
28. Ergonomics
Part 6: Managerial Decision Making Through Quantitative Techniques
29. Decision-Making
30. Project Management
31. Operations Research