Implementing Six Sigma In Education

Implementing Six Sigma In Education

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All Language Learning books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9788121939812
Author: Dr Dheeraj Mehrotra
Number of Pages 169
Available in all digital devices
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Implementing Six Sigma In Education - Page 1 Implementing Six Sigma In Education - Page 2 Implementing Six Sigma In Education - Page 3 Implementing Six Sigma In Education - Page 4 Implementing Six Sigma In Education - Page 5

Implementing Six Sigma In Education by Dr Dheeraj Mehrotra
Book Summary:

This is a comprehensive guide to in the subject of Management. It is essential for student Education.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Language Learning.
Key Features:

1. This book deals with an experiment towards excellence in education with a means to solve issues revolving around the teaching-learning process. 
2. It reflects a means to promote problem-solving issues as SIX SIGMA PROJECTS through the concept of TEAM MANAGEMENT through generation of ideas via BRAINSTORMING. 
3. The book highlights the importance of QUALITY as a habit towards getting fame for the school 
4. The book is replete with ample lectures and case studies from participation at various Quality Conventions at Japan, China, Mauritius, Phillippines, Sri Lanka, as well as Nepal apart from various training sessions around the country. 
5. The book has been a great motivation for educators globally