Engineering Mechanics: Statics And Dynamics

Engineering Mechanics: Statics And Dynamics

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Product Specifications

Publisher Vikas Publishing All Mechanical Engineering books by Vikas Publishing
ISBN 9788125918646
Author: S. Rajasekaran
Number of Pages 961
Edition Third Edition
Available in all digital devices
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Engineering Mechanics: Statics And Dynamics by S. Rajasekaran
Book Summary:

Engineering Mechanics–Statics and Dynamics is an ideal textbook designed essentially for all engineering students. Adequately equipped with numerous solved problems and exercises, this book provides sufficient material for a two-semester course or two one-semester courses (separately in Statics and Dynamics) in Engineering Mechanics. The book is comprehensive enough to serve as a reference for practising engineers and for those preparing for competitive examinations.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Mechanical Engineering Students.
Sailent Feature:

1. It is organized to achieve a continuous step-by-step build up of the subject.

2. Within each chapter, topics and sequentially coherent subtopics are carefully organized and explained distinctly.

3. The extensive applicability of the basic principles of this subject is emphasized so that the students can use these principles and concepts to solve a variety of problems.

4. Graded unsolved problems are included at the end of each chapter to give the students opportunity to check their progress.

Table of Content:

1. Introduction

2. Statics of Particles—Concurrent Forces in plane

3. Statics of Particles—Concurrent Forces in space

4. Statics of Rigid Bodies: Non-concurrent Forces in Plane

5. Statics of Rigid Bodies: Non-concurrent Forces in Space

6. Analaysis of Pin-jointed Plane Trusses

7. Uniform Flexible Suspension Cable

8. Friction

9. Centroid and Centre of Gravity

10. Moment of Inertia and Mass Moment of Inertia

11. Method of Virtual Work

12. Kinematics of Particles—Rectilinear Motion

13. Kinematics of Particles—curvilinear Motion

14. Kinetics of Particles—Newton’s Second Law

15. Kinetics of Particles—Work and Energy

16. Kinetics of Particles—Impulse and Momentum

17. Collision of Elastic Bodies

18. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

19. Kinetics of Rigid Bodies

20. Mechanical Vibrations


Answers for Exercises

Solved Question Papers


Conversion Factors
