Engineering Fluid Mechanics

Engineering Fluid Mechanics

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All Mechanical Engineering books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9789385676482
Author: Prof. K.L. Kumar
Number of Pages 624
Available in all digital devices
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Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Prof. K.L. Kumar
Book Summary:

In its 39th year of Publishing, Engineering Fluid Mechanics continues to evolve with the times. Pedagogically sound, the book delves into important concepts such as Fluid Statics, Kinematics and Dynamics. From concepts which as are early as Bernoulli equation (17th century) till today, the book encompasses the chief concepts of the subject with solved examples so that the reader does not miss on any knowledge that is required.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for biology,zoology students.
Key Features:

1. A unique "Zero Chapter" eases the reader into the subject with a visual focus.

2. 425+ Objective (MCQs, T/F, and the classic Match the following) and Subjective Chapter-end Questions with Answers (and a time-line to solve them in).

3. Supplementary solved examples have been added for practice.

Table of Contents:

1. The world of Fluid Mechanics: What, Why and How?

2. Introduction Concepts

3. Fluid Statics

4. Fluid Kinematics

5. Fluid Dynamics

6. Flow Measurement

7. Ideal Fluid Flow

8. Laminar Flow

9. Boundary Layer Flow

10. Flow around Immersed Bodies

11. Flow through Pipes

12. Flow through Open Channels

13. Compressible Flow

14. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude

15. Fluid Machines