Corporate Conflict Management Concepts And Skills

Corporate Conflict Management Concepts And Skills

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Product Specifications

Publisher PHI Learning All Management And Leadership books by PHI Learning
ISBN 9788120332799
Author: Eirene Leela Rout, Nelson Omiko
Number of Pages 294
Available in all digital devices
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Corporate Conflict Management Concepts And Skills by Eirene Leela Rout, Nelson Omiko
Book Summary:

The classic view on conflict has always been that conflict in any form is harmful and should be avoided at all cost. However, modern scholars and the corporate world at large are fast realizing that conflict is not as lethal as considered to be and if maintained within certain parameters, it can actually boost a company’s growth.

This text tells exactly how and when a conflict can be translated into a successful process and when it should be checked before it spells trouble for the company. The book covers cases from all the essential areas of conflict and analytically discusses every aspect while striking a clear balance between theory, concept and application. This book is an attempt to expose readers to varied perspectives, to challenge their individual positions and ideologies, and to inspire, inform and train them in the field.

The volume is designed for the postgraduate students of management as well as those pursuing similar professional courses. Besides, professionals and anyone keen on learning the various aspects of conflict and its management will find this book immensely useful.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Management, Commerce students.
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction To Conflict Management

2. Levels Of Conflict

3. Sources Of Conflict

4. Managing Interpersonal Conflict

5. Managing Team And Organizational Conflict

6. Negotiation

7. Third Party Conflict Resolution

8. Conflict Resolution Process

9. Developing Effective Interpersonal Skills

10. The Paradox Of Conflict And Creativity

11. Assessing The Cost Of Workplace Conflict

12. Dealing With Personality Conflicts And Problem Employees
