Basic Electrical Engineering by Ramana Pilla, HD Mehta
Book Summary:
This book is designed based on revised syllabus of Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat (AICTE model curriculum) for under-graduate (B.Tech/BE) students of all branches, those who study Basic Electrical Engineering as one of the subject in their curriculum. The primary goal of this book is to establish a firm understanding of the basic laws of Electric Circuits, Network Theorems, Resonance, Three-phase circuits, Transformers, Electrical Machines and Electrical Installation. The contents of this book are presented in a simple way for easy understanding of students and can be used as self study material. Innumerous number of solved examples on different topics have been given, which have been sourced from question papers of various universities.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Engineering Student.
Table of Content:
Chapter 1 DC Circuits
Chapter 2 AC Circuits
Chapter 3 Resonance
Chapter 4 Three Phase Circuits
Chapter 5 Transformers
Chapter 6 DC Machines
Chapter 7 AC Machines
Chapter 8 Electrical Installation