A Textbook Of Accounting For Management by Dr S N Maheshwari, CA Sharad K Maheshwari & Dr Suneel K Maheshwari
Book Summary:
The book provides a comprehensive coverage of the course-content requirements of the students appearing in the paper ‘Management Accounting’ at the MBA and MCom examinations of different Indian universities and those of professional Institutions. The book has been divided into Five Convenient Sections. Each Section covers a different aspect of ‘Management Accounting’ with the subject divided into chapters covering different topics in a systematic and concise manner. A complete section comprising Cost Problems with Solutions makes the study even more informative and interesting.
The unique features of this book lie in its simple and systematic presentation of theory, which would enable the students to solve practical problems with ease. The other main strengths of this book are: plentiful illustrative examples and end-of-the-chapter exercises with answers
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for MBA, MCom, Management students.
Table Contents :
1. Section-1: Accounting Principles and Processes
2. Section-2: Cost and Management Accounting
3. Section-3: Financial Analysis
4. Section-4: Planning and Control
5. Section-5: Case Problems with Solution