A Comprehensive Grammar Of English Class IX

A Comprehensive Grammar Of English Class IX

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All Class 9 English books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9788121935838
Author: GN Verma
Number of Pages 759
Available in all digital devices
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A Comprehensive Grammar Of English Class IX by GN Verma
Book Summary:

"A Comprehensive Grammar of English" is intended for the Indian learners who belong to the disadvantaged regions where English learning is seen with awe and fear due to the absence of its linguistic environment. During my long career as an English teacher, teaching the students of all classes, I felt the need of a grammar book that would cater to the needs of students who study in Hindi medium schools and would remove the coming obstacles in their path of learning English.

The book incorporates the basic principles of English grammar and their usage in various native situations so as to equip the students to communicate in English maintaining by its intelligibility. The spirit content terms, such as nouns, adjectives, main verbs and adverbs, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, etc., have been dealt in detail to provide adequate practice to the students in using them correctly.

Verbs, tenses, modals, adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions, which have greater communicative frequency in English grammar, have been stressed and dealt comprehensively. In English, tense is generally referred to be the body of a sentence and verb is said to be the soul of a sentence. Hence more information and practice on tense and verb forms are included in this book for the benefit of the students.